
I know I've said this before ... BUT I am going to say it again.
I'm an insomniac.
I can run 100 miles a minute during the day and be tired the whole time, but as soon as it is time to go to bed...I'm wide awake again.
I've been watching Law & Order SVU on netflix since the day Alex left.
[which means I still haven't went && got a remote] lol.
I wish I never realized how quick this past week went because seems like it's taking forever.

I finally went to bed last night [or shall I say yesterday morning] at 230am...&& only because Lucky was practically yelling at me to go to bed. Eric left some over-the-counter sleeping pills here before he left. I think I might try 'em. It can't hurt I mean the worst it's going to do is make me stay awake. Surprise Surprise.

But I suppose I will go to bed...or try. I know not a very interesting read.


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